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Microblading Pen

Microblading is considered semi-permanent makeup. It means that it lasts from 1 – 5 years before needing another “tattoo” touch-up. If you have light brows or none at all, this method will give you back your eyebrows! Eyebrow Tattoos last several days to several years, depending on how often they are touched up. When first applied, a very fine blade is used to deposit pigments underneath the skin. The ink will remain in the skin until it naturally exfoliates out. This process can take several weeks, but most women see pretty amazing results after just three days of healing since they’re already quite light-colored. We provide different kinds of microblading tools. Includes microblading pen, microblading needles, eyebrow tattoo practise skin, tatbrows pencil, brows mapping string, microshading pen etc.

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