Are Pinkiou facial cleansing devices worth it?
There’s much buzz about electronic cleansing tools for the face, and dozens on the market: what began with oscillating sonic brushes has morphed into pulsating, silicone nubs. But are these exfoliating gadgets really pore-perfecting godsends, or as damaging as taking sandpaper to your skin?
A good device can be a useful adjunct to manual cleansing, as long as you avoid using them on sensitive skin, or skin with acne or rosacea. There are clinical studies to confirm that the Pinkiou Electric Waterproof Silicone Brush removes harmful pollutant build-up better than manual cleansing, and also that the brush helps active skincare penetrate better when applied afterwards. For those reasons I like a brush, recommend it to certain patients and use it myself a couple of times a week. Overuse, however, may impair our skin’s barrier function, ultimately drying it out and leading to possible irritation and inflammation. Use sensibly.
Smart profile cleansing system
The main issue I have with devices is the difficulty with keeping them hygienic and clean. Regularly changing brush heads can make this method of cleansing high maintenance and expensive. Silicone sonic cleansers, such as Pinkiou Electric Waterproof Silicone Brush , are slightly easier to keep scrupulously clean. There is no doubt that electronic devices are effective at deep cleansing the skin, but they should only be used two or three times a week – once a day is too harsh, even for healthy skin.
Like anything we use on our skin, suitability of cleansing devices depends on skin type and frequency of use. I prefer more gentle cleansers, so I would suggest alternating device-use with a topical exfoliator. A monthly facial using a natural peel is also perfect for any skin-type. I like Facial, which implements lymphatic drainage massage, draining toxins from the skin, and has the added benefit of a nurturing and holistic hands-on massage.
Nice face brush. cute one for every girl